
We believe that the Bible is the authoritative and sufficient revelation of God. Our beliefs are aligned with the reformed evangelical doctrines of grace. Click here to see our full doctrinal statement.


Biblical Counseling and Soul Care

We believe that the local church should once again regain its passion and competence for helping people through all of the difficult issues of life. [Rom 15:14, Gal 6:1-2] God has given us His Spirit and His sufficient word; therefore we promote and teach Biblical Counseling (or intensive discipleship) instead of secular models of psychology. [2 Pet 1:3-4, Col 2:6-8] This confidence in God’s word permeates all we do.


Role of the Local Church

We believe that God’s prescribed means for fulfilling His mission is through the local church. For too long, churches have deferred this responsibility to other groups and individuals. AoGI is integrally connected to the local church, submits to that oversight, and simply operates as a mechanism for the local church to make disciples of all nations. We take our vision, mission, direction, and personnel from the local church. In fact, apart from the local church, we cannot exist. We also strive to engage other churches directly in the work, connecting them with people in our focus areas.


Development and Qualification of Candidates

We also believe that the local church is the best place to develop and evaluate candidates. Our staff has been equipped and proven in the context of local church ministry. For an overview of our Candidate Development Process and Training requirements click here.

  Giving is easy!

“It looks a task too gigantic, but the bare arm of God – only think of that – His sleeve rolled up, omnipotence itself made bare – what cannot it accomplish?”

Charles Spurgeon